April 26, 2011


April, you are the longest month ever.  Ever. 

Feeling the burn. Not in my legs or my arms.  In mah mahnd.

Tonight is "man meal" night.  That means that Daniel is in charge of cooking.  He's on his way to Chipotle right now.  Yum.

On this Tuesday (Tuesday is not my favorite day of the week), I will leave you with this question:  Can we teach responsibility?  If so, how the heck do we do it!?

Answers big and small are welcome. 

And with the last bit of energy in my apparently-allergy-prone-doesn't-help-that-I-sleep-next-to-the-most-allergy-prone-individual-on-the-planet body, I say to you, "Happy Tuesday."

1 comment:

  1. Happy Tuesday ... well, now its Thursday, lol... friend! Feel better!

    As far as teaching responsibility.... thats a good question. I have been wondering lately how I teach myself good habits and break bad ones. Tough stuff. Anyway - one idea with responsibility - letting a kid fail at it. Give them a task/job/responsibility and if they dont do it, they have to suffer the natural consequences. I dont know. Just a thought.

