April 22, 2011

Friday Rambles

The weather is nice out, but I chose ice cream over running.  Not the best decision, I recognize that.

I did 15 minutes of plyometrics from the P90X work-out, and my legs are fried.  A good feeling.

Some kid (that just sounds demeaning, sorry)...some student started a rumor about me on Wednesday.  I was fuming.  I promptly took care of it the next morning.  Scratch that.  I was FUMING.

I was told today that I matched the ceiling in my classroom.  Not sure what to think about that.

I had to tell my sophomores today to put on their "mature pants" for this unit (we're reading Their Eyes Were Watching God).  Someone said, "I left mine at home."  So I said, "Well you better dig them out this weekend.  You're going to need them."  Teenagers have filthy little minds.  Filthy.  And the bad part is that when they laugh at something, I know exactly why they're laughing.  Does that mean I'm filthy?

I think our neighbor is moving.  We're not very good neighbors.  Not at all.  We need to work on this.

Headed to McPherson this weekend to celebrate Easter.  Looking forward to a grand old time.

My devotions lately have been about giving God control of your whole mind.  And boy-howdy, do I ever need to do that.  My mind is nuts, absolutely crazy.  It's a daily (sometimes hourly) struggle.  One of my hobbies is thinking (ha, no but really, I'm serious), so to give up control of that glorious hobby is tough.  However, each time I do, the results are beautiful and my thoughts are much more edifying.

I have a difficult time with commercialized holidays.  Especially Easter.  So this weekend, with all the bunnies, the eggs, the ham, the sweet treats, and the family time, take a minute (or more, preferably) and remember the real reason for celebration.

Go celebrate.  "Jesus is not here, for He has risen, just as He said." Matthew 28:6


  1. Thanks for the excellent reminder, Heidi! I just havent been feeling in the Easter "mood"... but really, what does it have to do with feeling anything. It is TRUTH - that's what it is. Praise the Lord!

  2. Thank you. I was needing a blog to read. You satiated my hunger.
