April 19, 2011

Back at it...

I made loads of funny jokes today.  And they (the jokes) were funny.  And they (the students) laughed at all of them.  Well, most of them (the students) laughed at most of the jokes. 

My classroom-humor is mildly different from my real-life humor (or is it?).  Here is an example of my classroom-humor.  While looking at a picture of a huge tree house that represents the vocabulary word "incredulous," I say (quite excitedly), "Wow, that tree house is _________!"  To which they tiredly, non-chalantly respond, "Incredulous."  To which I say, "No, no.  Say it like you mean it!"  And one student humors me.  HIlarious.  Absolutely hilarious.  You would laugh too if your English teacher was nuts (or is it "were" nuts?). 

My folder on the common drive with all my English 9 students' projects in it was deleted.  Gasp!  No, more like GASP, SCREAM, PULL HAIR, GASP AGAIN.  The culprit?  A sweet, semi-innocent freshman.  When I chatted with him, he seemed legitimately remorseful.  So the question is, should he be punished?  All the files were recovered, so the gasping only lasted for 90 minutes.  Oh discipline.  It's so dang tricky.  If only every incident was black or white.  If only. 

This girl is coming to see us tomorrow.  And we are pumped.  Like a gas tank.  Get here faster, Bees!

Today it smelled like Spring and Fall.  An odd sensation.  Odd enough to make me want Fall.  But then we'd have Winter.  I like Winter.  And I love the transition from Winter to Spring.  So this sounds like a swell plan.  Tomorrow is the first day of Fall.  In Mrs. Carlson-land, at least.  The children will be thrilled. 

Are seasons supposed to be capitalized?  I feel odd that I don't know.  And I feel too lazy to look it up.

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