April 12, 2011

Like a G6

Today my sophomores shared their original poetry.  I felt like a proud mother and about wept tears of joy. 

The babes are growing up.  Part of me wants to write each of them a note that explains all the growth I've seen in them over the year.  I have 130 students...which makes me realize that it would indeed be a labor of love.  We'll see.  Perhaps I'll feel especially motivated during the last few weeks of school and decide to give them each a "going away" note.  Should "motivated" and "last few weeks of school" even belong in the same sentence?  Don't answer that.

Several times today I heard the phrase "like a G6".  Each time it was in the context of a poem.  And the hilarity of it all is that the students were required to use a "element of poetry" in each of their original poems.  We all know "like a G6" is a simile.  Hilarious.  At least they recognize what they learn in the classroom in the real world.  (Pretend the last sentence makes sense.  I refuse to edit it.) 

(For those of you unaware of "like a G6," cough...mom...cough, check out this link.  I'm not promoting the song.  I'm just giving you some context.)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvgJEznqtms

For the first time in my teaching career, I about had to break up a physical altercation.  And I feared for my life a bit.  I won't go into details.  Just know that a word that rhymes with "luck" was used about 35 times (not by me, naturally), and a plastic chair tumbled across the room.  Get the picture?  Oh yes, quite exhilarating. 

Did you notice the new blog design?  One of my design friends, Kitty (you should remember her from previous blogs), is advising me.  And I'm pretty pumped.  Look for additional adjustments in the coming weeks. 

Oh I have so many, many other things I have meant to share with you.  Alas, I either forget or I just fail to do so.  Well rats, I suppose I just will have to move on...

Let's look at a picture and call it a day.  I once spent every evening with these boys.  Oh the memories.  So many of them.  They are truly brothers from other mothers.

Happy snoozeday Tuesday! What?  You didn't know today is a "snoozeday"?!  Me either.  I'm just feeling especially rhyming.  Like a G6. (Urbandictionary.com that.  You'll love what you find.)


  1. Hmm..Sea green? Interesting choice. I'll have to see where this goes.
