March 2, 2011

handahófi: it's Icelandic

Today my mother used the phrase "omg."  Love you, mom.

On Monday, I had, what I thought to be, a stylish belt on.  It's one of those thick belts that you wear around your long shirts/dresses/etc.  While in the staff lunchroom over lunch (duh), the sweet copy man (who occasionally lacks basic social skills - sweetest guy ever) said (in front of all the teachers), "Well, I could use that belt for lifting weights.  It looks like one I have!"  I had no choice but to laugh.  The funny part is that Daniel makes fun of that belt all the time and regularly suggests that it looks like a weight-lifting belt.  Dangit.

Lately, I've bee thinking about pros and cons of being tall.  Perhaps someday I'll compile a longer list, but for now, here's what I have:
  • Reach high things
  • Taller than (most) students
  • Look older
  • The ballet-flat style shoe - I can wear stylist shoes while maintaining my height
  • Instant conversation starter:  "Did you play basketball?"
  • People ask me to reach high things
  • I must squat to chat with my students instead of just slightly bending my knees - I don't even know what muscles you use to squat, but today I'm feeling every one of them
  • Apparently I'm the same height, from the back, as many students
  • I've never played a game of basketball in my life.  And I'm pretty sure my ability to play basketball is similar to that of an infant.
Do you ever feel like what you're doing at a certain moment is the most important thing in the world?  I felt that way yesterday.  I can't go into detail, but essentially a student told me some information that needed to be dealt with immediately, and for the next 10 minutes, it didn't matter who had a question, who wasn't working, who was texting beneath their desk, or who had their ipod earbuds in underneath their hair.  What I was doing was priority and nothing was going to get in the way.  I feel like that brings a sense of calling in the moment and a sense of accomplishment after-the-fact.  The matter has been resolved, and today the student was walking on air.  It's in those moments that I absolutely love my job.

Our apartment has been smelling of rotten evergreen trees.  And I don't know why...

I have a rotisserie chicken in the refrigerator.  It has been there for a week.  Is that bad?  I plan on using it tomorrow.  Perhaps I should rethink this...

Tonight is buy one, get one free at Chipotle.  Holla. 

I heard that Justin Bieber sold his hair.  My students and I were trying to justify (pun) his reason.  It was an enlightening 30 second discussion. 

Sometimes I wonder if anyone is reading my (very) random blog. I'm okay with writing to the wind.  I'm just wondering.  Like Meg Ryan does on You've Got Mail.  (Name that figurative language type.)  "I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void." 

So good evening, dear void.


  1. I read it.

    Under their hair? Really? Does anyone ever get away with that?

  2. Yes, yes, and YES! I try to catch it, but they're must sneakier than when we were their age. And thanks for reading. :)

  3. im a faithful reader as well! :)

  4. I read under the radar. But..know I'm here.

  5. The "void" reaches as far as Cambodia. :-)

  6. from Jean Detrich
    Yes, yes. I'm also here.

  7. You had me at You've Got Mail!

  8. you're a funny one. i'm glad you wrote one finally i was seriously having withdrawls. PTL.

  9. PTL! roxanne way to bring it home.

    dude heidi...don't even mention things about being 'tall.' because you're not :P lol. jk. im sure you feel tall in your world, which is what matters. but do know that the best rebuttal to the 'why are you wearing tall shoes when you're tall' remark, is to reply with 'why are you wearing flat shoes if you're short.' shuts them up every time.

    i thoroughly enjoy your comments, love. every one of them. :)

  10. Figurative language is simile? Because you used the word "like"?
