March 29, 2011


Life is good, ain't it?  Indeed it is.  Tonight I was reminded of something I said to Daniel at the altar:  "Life won't always be cupcakes and daisies..."  And a sweet friend said to me, "That's good because I don't like cupcakes all that much."  I'll be thinking on that for about 5 years. 

My mom was here last Wednesday night and Thursday.  And it was glorious.  I love my mama.  She helped me organize our guest room, and for that, I am forever thankful.  No "before" and "after" pictures yet, but in due time, in due time...

I want to be like my mama.  In some ways, I am like my mama.  But I want to be more like her.  When people ask me about her, I typically say two things:  she is the most selfless person in the world, and she is dramatic.  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?  When moms and I are together, drama ensues.  And it's funny.  Or at least we think so. 

Moms and I went shopping on Thursday. She found a lovely dress for Nicholas and Roxanne's upcoming nuptials.  But she also was a ridiculously generous mama and purchased clothes and shoes for my professional wardrobe.  I think the entire 24 hours we were together, I made one purchase...we split a concrete (ice cream deliciousness) from Sheridan's Frozen Custard.  And she wanted nothing in return.  Nothing.  She is a mama who provides.  Even when her daughter has a college degree, lives 80 miles away, and has a husband.  She takes care of her babies (except for the one time when she dumped me out of the wagon when I was 2 months old...but we won't talk about that...still scarred).  Jk.  Love you, moms. 

Tonight I miss my mama.  Don't know why.  I just do.  I'm sappy.  Always have been, always will be.  Just like my moms.  So this is to you, mom, for all you have done, all you do, and all you will do.  Love you like crazy. 

PS:  I also hope I look as good as my moms when I'm, um, 35.  She is dang purty. 

Now go love on your mama.


  1. Now I'm tearful! Love ya bunches!!!!

  2. Heidi - love this! I love my mom too. Isnt it funny that as we get older (ok, maybe I should just speak for myself) we appreciate our moms so much more. I can really relate with you right now! I have been sick this last week, and about all I want, besides health, is to be with my mom. I just love her so much! Thanks for the great post about how awesome your mom is and how much you love her too! I am thankful for moms! And hope one day I can be as great as mine is! :-)
