January 19, 2011

Tough Love?

I'm currently trying to figure out when to be strict and when to be lenient with the babies (my students, of course).  I feel like I let them get on my nerves instead of just brushing it off.  However, I know there are times when I need to hit the gavel on my podium and call the class to order.  Trying to figure out what to tolerate and what to control.  I like, no, I LOVE being in control.  Always have.  When I'm able to calm a rowdy group of 29 sophomores (yes, I have a class that ginormous), I feel a great sense of accomplishment.  Likewise, when I'm unable to control a class of 23 freshies, I feel a great sense of failure.  I must find the happy medium so as to teach the babies that it's okay to loosen up and it's okay to be in control.  Scattered thoughts for a scattered day. 

Snow day #3 is tomorrow.  I cleaned tonight so tomorrow I can just relax.  Sadly, I have no more available episodes of "Keeping up with the Kardashians" to watch...what to do...

Have I mentioned that I have a mouse in my classroom?  I do.  I've only seen the little devil once, but he leaves evidence of his dwelling on my desk every morning.  And I gag.  Every time.  I just can't wrap my head around the fact that a disgusting little vermin is shacking up beneath my desk. 

My sweet BFF returns from Africa tomorrow!  No snow day can stop me from seeing her pretty face.  Welcome home, Bees, we've certainly missed you. 

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