July 21, 2011

Flat Abs

On Tuesday, I was visited by some pretty sweet guests.  But I suppose they're hardly guests.  One has known me since before I came to be, one held my hand during 2nd grade Sunday school when I was the "new kid," and one has been my surrogate mom since my awkward stage (please do not suggest that I am still in my awkward stage...even though mine was disturbingly long, I'd like to think I'm out of it).

Any guesses?  (Aren't guessing games on these here interwebz annoying?)  Give up? (Aren't they annoying because even if you guessed right, the writer can make you feel like you guessed wrong?  Maybe it's just me...I loathe being wrong...but more than that, I loathe people thinking I'm wrong when I know I'm right.  I think it's a Hutterite thing.  Um, yes. Moving right along...)

Here's a better guessing game.  In this picture, you will see pairs of mothers and daughters.  Correctly match each mother to her daughter and you, too, could be knighted in Heidi Carlson's blog.  It's kind of a big deal.
Like I said, guessing games are annoying.

I digress.

My moms, Beezie, and Chrissy came to see me.

And we had the time of our lives.  Literally (pronounced like this:)

Oh so funny.

I digress.  Again.

We laughed a lot.  And then it was brought to our attention by my twin (she may be 20ish years old than me, but she's practically my twin....I talk like her, laugh like her, walk like her, cook like her, clean like her...and I'm okay with all those things.  I just hope I age like her, too.) that belly laughing is the surest way to flat abs.  Done and done. 

We gots us some pedis. 
 Pretty feet.  Guessing game, part 2:  guess the feet.  Ijk.  Don't do that.  It's a stupid game.  (But if you guess right, I will knight you.  "What's the obsession with knighting?" you may ask.  I'm pretty sure knights have special powers and get all the chips and salsa they want...who doesn't want that!?)
 After hours of successful shopping, we ended our day at Orange Leaf.  Still looking mighty chipper.
 And the laydays continued to work on their abs. 
 Still working...and looking mighty fine for *39*.
 And Beezie and I took our millionth picture together. 
There were other funnies that happened that must not be named...because they are just too dang HIlarious...and because when I think of said funnies, my stomach hurts a bit. 

Special ladies, those three. And special times, that day.

You made it on the bahlog, ladies!  But I can't knight you, yet.  You must play, and win, one of my awesome guessing games first.  May the best guesser win...

PS:  on a typical day, getting moms within 10 feet of an animal is a stretch.  Not sure how this happened, but Beezie somehow orchestrated this picture at the humane society.
Now that, my friends, is good enough for another session of flat-ab-making giggles.

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