June 23, 2011

The widening of life, and other thoughts.

No, I'm not referring to gaining weight.  Daniel and I had a conversation last night, and we came to the conclusion that sometimes our lives seem narrow.  Work, dinner, relax, go to bed, work, dinner, relax, go to bed, etc.  We're not the biggest fans of this.  So because our anniversary is coming up (2 days!!), we hope to brainstorm ways in which to "widen" our lives.  Any suggestions?

When I woke up this morning, the first thing I saw was a spider right above my head.  I had planned on hitting the snooze, but seeing that devilish creature prevented me from doing so. 

Yesterday I was real crafty.  I'm making all kinds of goodies that I can't wait to show you.  It was a great day, and time passed fast. 

As I mentioned earlier, I spent Monday in Lawrence because I couldn't handle the thought of staying home alone after having such a wonderful, people-filled weekend.  My day started out with sweet gloriousness at Panera.
 Naturally, I had to be the first customer at ON.
 But I found some new shoes for $2!
 And just had to buy these adorable onesies for the twins.  (Disclaimer:  not my twins.  Sis-in-law's.)
 Whilst I waited for the hubs, I spent time in a lovely little park.  (Actually, he told me later that it is the crappiest park in Lawrence.  Oh well.)  See my battle wound from the wedding?  That's how much I love my brother and my sissy.
 Lunch at El Mezcal.  Yummo.
 And a treat for me.  CS finally had Oatmeal Cookie Batter ice cream, and I was pumped.  Sadly, the lady gave me the wrong kind, and I didn't have the heart to tell her, so I downed my hazelnut ice cream.  It was just okay.
 And this is where I spent my afternoon. 

A good day. 

Today I will sew some more, walk to Joann's (my new favorite afternoon entertainment), purchase some cheap movie tickets from AAA, and make homemade pizza for supper.  Caution:  fun times ahead. 

Happy Thursday!  The best day of the week. 

1 comment:

  1. So what are you sewing?
    1st comment, praise Jesus RIGHT NOW that you've had a "widening" revelation WITH your Daniel. There aren't too many seasons in life harder to go through than a one-sided widening.(Okay, go with 2-sided, as the Holy spirit is usually responsible for widening. But what good is a 2 sided triangle I ask?)
    2nd comment: maybe your symbolic widening really IS literal. Yes, have a baby. :)
    3rd comment: Dream so big.... life has a way of paring those dreams down for you. If God shows it, revel in its bigness!
    Enough comments. You're so brave and wise...I look forward to your next chapter! Hi to Daniel...
