June 15, 2011

A Funny

I'll try to be brief, but, let's be honest, I'm never brief.

Several weeks ago, I desired to make this.  So I did.  A few days prior I had e-mailed my mother asking if the mustard would "cook out."  Remember?  She said it would.  And I naively believed her. 

Mid-way through mixing up the marinade, I dry-heaved, but just a little.  The scent was nauseating.  At any rate, like a good cook, I persisted. 

I was also in the middle of making these

It was going to be one dang awesome dinnair. 

While the tenderloin was in the oven, the smell was just about too much.  I passed out in the kitchen.  JK.  I wanted to pass out in the kitchen.  Instead, I cell-phoned the hubs and requested that he pick up this:
And he did.  And all was right again in the world of 6052. 

While he went to pick up the pizza, however, I couldn't resist having a quasi-small bowl of these:
And I must say, I make some yummy mashed potes. 

Oh yes, I almost forgot.  I had this lovely little thermometer that worked awesomely.  Until I did the unthinkable.  Call it laziness if you must.  I call it ingenuity. 

I didn't want to stick the thermometer in the meat every time I needed to check it.  How absurd!  So I decided to leave it in the meat while it cooked.  Everybody does it.  I've seen it on TV, at home, on TV, on Netflix, on Hulu, on TV, etc. 

I'm so sad to report to you now that this is what happened:
Very odd.  And I was very sad.  And I'm still very sad.  My perfect therms was destroyed for a meal that almost made me pass out.  Sigh.  I suppose life goes on. 

So this was the final product:
Vomit.  But just a bit.  I mean, I'm sure some of you would love it (you know who you are...).  But not me.  Not now.  Not ever.
But this was my final product.
Ah, much better. 

Idea:  I think I'll go to Nebraska tonight.  Sounds nice.  And I think I'll take several dozen pieces of glass with me - mom, I Windexed (verb) them ALL yesterday.  But first, I think I'll fold me some laundry, write me a tear-jerkish toast, and watch me some Parks & Rec.  Mmm, yes.  Sounds good.

See you next week!

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