May 18, 2011

Wednesday Funnies

Quotes of the day:

6th hour male student:  "I don't mean to be awkward, Mrs. Carlson, but I have to ask.  When are you going to have a little Mrs. Carlson?"

6th hour male student:  "When I play for the Lakers in 6 years, I'll either send you season tickets or just write you a letter."  I'm not sure why the ginormous difference, but either way, I'm flattered.  

7th hour male student:  "Mrs. Carlson, have you noticed that you and Tyler (male student) have the same haircut?" And it's true!  Legit lol.

I got a bit choked up today at the thought of leaving my babies.  They truly were guinea pigs all year (poor kids).  They have been troopers...most of the time.  And they will always have a special place in my heart. 

I don't do well anticipating change - did you converse with me a few weeks before my wedding? if so, you understand - but I do great in the middle of change.  Yes, I'm looking forward to summer.  Oh goodness I am really looking forward to summer.  BUT, and this is a JLo sized but(t), I will miss them.  Hopefully I won't think of them every day, but I'm sure they will pop into my mind every now and again.  Sigh.  They will always be my babies.

This room...

is in the process of getting a facelift.  From me and any student I arm-twist into helping me.  It's going well so far. Perhaps I will remember to take pics of the final product.

4 more days.  Happy face?  Sad face?  Today - sad face.

1 comment:

  1. love it! and i have heard that your first year of students are always the ones closest to your heart! :)
