May 10, 2011

Stick 'o Bliss

I have many thoughts.  Surprised?  Didn't think so.

This morning during my regularly-scheduled bathroom break, I stumbled upon a cheese stick.  And it was beautiful.  And it was right outside my classroom in a perfectly-sealed wrapper.  However, it was on the ground and without an owner.  As I continued on my voyage to the laday's room, a myriad of thoughts rushed through my mind...
I am hungry (after my regularly-scheduled bathroom break, I always eat a snack).
I love me some cheese sticks.
Cheese has protein.
I need me some protein.
If I do not eat that cheese stick, there is a possibility that I will not make it through the day.
I heart cheese.  Heart it so much.
There are cameras in the hallway.
Is Sue watching them right now?
Perhaps I'll tie my non-shoelace shoes right next to the beloved cheese stick.
Daniel would not want me to eat this stick 'o goodness.
He says I'm too trusting with my food.  (Like the time I drank various cups of tea/water whilst cleaning up after a friend's wedding because I was too lazy to dump them outside.  What's the big deal!?)
I have almonds in my drawer.
I've had almonds in my drawer all year, and I'm tired of them.
If only I had granola bars available.

Then I came back from the bathroom.  Did I mention that I have LOTS of thoughts? 

I picked up the stick 'o delight.  I held it longingly in my hands.  I thought that even if Sue is watching the camera right now, she'll think that I'm just being a good person and planning on throwing it away.  She might even nominate me for "Teacher of the Week" (if only such an award existed...). 

I gave the cheese a little squeeze (poetry time for my freshmen).  It seemed warm.  And squishy.

Then my hands moved faster than my brain - probably a good thing this time - and I tossed the stick 'o beauty in the trash.  Then I sighed.  All that goodness for nothing. 

I begrudgingly yanked open my desk drawer and pulled out my almonds.  Grunt, groan, complain (kind of like facebook...are ya catchin' what I'm tossin'?). 

Almonds are good.
They have protein.
They are filling.
I am thankful for my almonds.

And I am thankful that two weeks from now, I will be treating myself to something delicious from somewhere delightful in celebration of the conclusion of year one.  I hear Panera, Sonic, and Olive Garden all calling my name.  Perhaps a progressive dinner is in order.

Loves and cupcakes.

PS:  Our "garden" once looked like this...

 But it doesn't anymore.  I killed the cucumbers.  On accident.  And it makes me sad.  I still have banana peppers, tomatoes, herbs, and daisies.  We'll see how green my thumb is...


  1. Heidi - you are awesome. end of story.

  2. I'm glad I was able to spend the last couple minutes in your head. It was like watching a delightful comedy, and, well, also like being in my own head. Because, I too, love me some cheese sticks. :-)
