March 1, 2012


Dear followers,
Sorry for my lack of posting.  The last 6 weeks have been, um...interesting.  Don't worry - no major crises at the Carlson Casa.  Just loads of processing the question: What do I want to do with the rest of my life!?!

I know, it's a loaded question.  So we've loaded and unloaded about a million times.  Daniel has had his ear talked off more times than I can count.  Pros and cons lists are flying through the air.  Conversations with all kinds of people are being had.

And in the midst of all the questioning, we've maintained our 40 hour work weeks and tried to keep picking away at this major purchase we made at the beginning of December.

In an effort to find joy in the present, here are some slightly entertaining snippets of our life lately:
  • Daniel has a new-found pastime: bird-watching.  Yes, you read that right.  The previous owner of our house had a billion bird feeders outside, so Dans has kept them filled and prefers to spend part of every weekend gazing at the little creatures.  So I smile and call him grandpa.
  • Last weekend, hubz and I spent time in A-town with my family.  My broski and I proceeded to create a comedic stand-up routine.  Are you laughing?  You shouldn't be. It was painful.  I mean, WE were laughing, but hubz keeps saying that the only reason moms, pops, and sissy were laughing is because our routine made them feel uncomfortable due to the lack of hilarity.  Whatever.  It was hysterical.
  • Nothing real hilarious at school. The kids are sweet, and it makes me happy when they bring me Diet Dr. Pepper.
  • I ruined a perfectly good batch of Amish friendship bread due to a minor oversight.  Minor oversight = dumping all the ingredients in the bowl before dividing the original dough.  Confused?  If you've made the bread, you know what I'm talking about.  So I threw it all away.  And mourned the loss of the 4 friendships I would have cultivated. 
 So life is still good.  It just feels...different right now.  I'm sure I'll fill you in sometime, but right now, the dots are still disconnected for me, too.

Happy Thursday, AKA, Happy best day of the week.

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