March 11, 2012

We did stuff.

It's true.  We did.  Dans is still doing stuff.

Here's what we tackled this weekend (with mucho help from my mother-in-law):

Knobs in our laundry room - purchased from Hobby Lobby - $2.50 a pop.  Woo!
 Hmm, a little blurry...
 I'm sure you get the idea.
 So I bought this window from Countrypolitan in Abilene.  I cleaned it like a mad woman.  Then I spray painted the right side with chalkboard paint.  We hung it and I debated about what to do with the left side.  After considering a myriad of options, I remembered what my friend, Brie, did with her kitchen cabinets (inspiration side-note: she glued small clothes pins to the front of a few doors to use as recipe holders, picture holders, etc.).  So I placed a bunch of small clothes pins in a sweet little pattern.  Then, we (mother-in-law and I, not huzz and I) started gluing (using hot glue).  I immediately found my Christmas cards this year and began to place them.  Then I realized that I needed to glue more clothes pins.  So I did.  And I realized that the sweet little pattern didn't matter at all.  So we kept gluing and pinning.  It was a beautiful thing.  Smile if you see yourself!  If you don't see yourself, send me a pic. :)
 How lovely, huh?  It's right across from my kitchen sink.
 Here's a close-up of the clothes pins.  (Side-note - I didn't distress the window at all.  It literally is that chippy and lovely.) (Side-note shout-outs:  cousin Katie, friend Kelsey, cousin Nicole - hey girlies!)
 These next pictures aren't in order.  Just saying.  We started this this (pictures taken last Spring by realtor - hey Helen!):

 Painted with Valspar's "Lyndherst Heritage Beige" or something ridiculously silly like that.   And we hung the clock!  I know it looks a bit high right now, but I promise it will all come together. I was inspired by this pin (not sure if the link will work...).
 Lots of furniture painting and brightening to happen later.  Yipee!
 The master bedroom received a lovely update as well.  I mean, the lavender was beautiful, but...
...we liked the look of Valspar's "Nostalgia" better.  More to come in here - crown molding, headboard, painted side tables, small dresser, chair in the window area, etc.
 Have I ever mentioned my love for the light in our bedroom?  Well, I love it. 
 Back to the bedroom.  Golly gosh, this is a terrible picture.  It's much prettier in person.  Believe me.
 We have a billion brassy accessories in our house.  And we're slowly changing them from this:

To this!
 Huzz is behind this project.
 So that's how we spent our weekend.  It was full (especially with the -1 hour on Saturday night), but it was good.

Next house project: organize the office.  It's a disaster.  Just being honest...  Happy week before spring break!

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