March 5, 2012

Laundry Fun

We started with this on Friday night (hello awkward picture of my backside):
 Happy faces all around.  (Don't judge my painting clothes.)
 Disaster zone. 
 What's that, you say?  How do we USE our appliances?  Um, well, as of lately...we don't.

 Yeah, might think the shelves are nice...until you realize that NOTHING fits on them. 
 What's that strange pile of clothing at the top?  No worries.  It's just our laundry shoot.  Yes. 
 Disaster zone continued.
Don't judge.

To paint some of the ridiculous nooks and crannies, I found myself in odd places.
 Mildly afraid.

 And so, so sad. (Yes, that is paint in my hair.  Again, don't judge.)
 Huzz was super fab and used some of his Christmas tools.
 And wore his fashion-forward workshop apron.

 We (who am I kidding...huzz) tore out the shelves to make way for a faux mud room.
 And we (yes, we!) installed the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store cabinets like pros.

After working most of Saturday (okay, I won't lie, I took a 5 hour break to do some skyping, lunching, and movie watching), and part of Sunday afternoon, we were left with this:

 So here's a run-down of what we did:
  • Painted cabinets
  • Painted walls light gray
  •  Painted faux mud room
  • Installed 4 hooks (2 are hidden) in faux mud room.
  • Hung ironing board and brooms
  • Installed cabinetry
All in all, I'd say it was a productive weekend.  And all for $100.  Bada-bing.  The only thing left to do is "style" the room.  Huzzbie thinks it's ridiculous to "style" a laundry room.  I think it's the best part.  Stay tuned!  This weekend my mother-in-law is coming up to paint, yipee!


  1. WOW! What a feeling of satifaction and a happy place! You make me dream of a spacious laundry room someday!
