December 5, 2011

BIG Announcement

Your patience is requested, please.  The interwebs have yet to be turned on...AT OUR HOUSE.

Yes, sweet friends, you understood that odd assortment of words correctly:  we are homeowners.  And I already have a BAZILLION stories for you.  Said stories include the following:  water leakage on night one, moving in the dark, hubs moonlighting as MacGyver, and oddities of the house.

Stay tuned.  Much to tell.  For now, however, I will leave you with a pic of our sweet house.  We love it.  It is, in two adjectives and a coordinating conjunction, quaint and perfect. 

So fun. Housewarming parties to come!!!


  1. oh, Heidi! This is so cute!
    I cannot wait til we have a house of our own, but for now, we are just going to move for the 4th time! :S

    Happy partying!

  2. YAY!!!! So excited for you guys - it is sooo cute!

  3. Thanks, Kassie and Sarah! We are really excited about it. Pics to come. :)
