August 27, 2011

Domestic Day

Bestie Cheri and I spent last Saturday baking.  We began promptly when she arrived at 10 am.

List made.

Groceries purchased.

Lunch had.

Then the baking began.  All 8 hours of it.

This was our supply station. 
 Bakers before.  Caution:  no after was taken.  Too tired.
 Chers brought her Bosch.  I'm in love with my KitchenAid, but this mixer puts mine to shame.  It's serious business.
 In the process of making 4 dozen breakfast cookies.  Super yum.  Note the first batch of dough rising in the background.  Also note my freakishly small kitchen.
 Pre-bierock making and buttered bread pans. 
 Mid-bread making. 
 Mid-bread making.  Yes, mid.
 Mid-cookie baking.  Only 4 sticks of butter were used in the making of the cookies.  Only.  Note Daniel in the background holding down the fort.  He enjoyed tasting the fruit of our labors and was handed all the rejects.  Not a bad deal for him.
 Whole wheat pizza dough awaiting it's resting place in the freezer.
 Mid-bierock making.  These are the best bierocks I have ever had.  Recipe anyone?  Holler. 
 The fruits of our labor.  
 10 loaves of bread.  4 dozen breakfast cookies.  4 dozenish oatmeal, peanut butter, and chocolate chip cookies.
 20 bierocks.  10 dinner rolls made from the excess bierock dough. 
 12 pizza doughs.  4 loaves of challah bread.  It's okay if you don't know what that is. I didn't either.  Apparently it's especially excellent as French toast. 
And we're set for a few months. Only one "mistake" all day, and we don't even know what we did wrong...but the challah was a little strange.  Perhaps it was because I thought my KitchenAid could handle 8 cups of flour.  Note to self:  it cannot.  Or perhaps it was because the challah was the last thing we made and we were absolutely spent.

Plans are already underway for our winter "Domestic Day."  And cinnamon rolls are the first sweet on the list.  Just so you know.

I love my Cheri and I love me some baking, so it was the most perfect day.  And I only gained a few pounds throughout the day while tasting everything we made.  Not too bad.

Curious about any recipes?  Holler!

And thanks, Cheri, for making the trip, for bringing your Bosch baby, and for supplying all the things that made everything (even the cookies!) healthy.  You da, you da best. 


  1. SO FUN!

    Shoot, I want all the recipes! :) But to keep things simple - can I have the breakfast cookie recipe and the pizza dough recipe? :D YUM!

  2. Heidi, I enjoy your blog so much! I would love the breakfast cookie recipe and the bierock recipe please. :) Looks like a fun day!

  3. What are in the breakfast cookies?? They looked yummy!
