May 3, 2012


Several weeks ago, I mentioned that I was going to give you some "big news."  Several weeks have come and gone, and I assumed everyone forgot.  Apparently, a few people remembered and are interested.  Allow me to elaborate!  And, just to make things interesting, allow my elaboration to be in the form of a timeline.

Let's get started.

March 2010: teaching job offered and accepted

May 2010:  college graduation (after only 5 short years...)

June 2010:  wedding (yipee! what a fun day!!)

August 2010:  begin teaching (thinking about those first few weeks is making me a bit nauseated...not the best mems)

August 2010-May 2011:  survive first year (check!)

August 2011:  begin second year (after a rejuvenating and reinvigorating summer)

September-November 2011:  genuinely enjoy job...enough to buy a house in the community

November 2011:  feeling restless at job, but not sure why (at this point, I'm still not admitting to myself that I'm vocationally dissatisfied)

January 2012:  finally admit (out loud!) that joy is missing from my vocation. Pray: God, please drop an opportunity in my lap.  I don't care what it is, but I can't keep doing what I'm doing.  I don't know why I'm unhappy, but something needs to change.

February 2012:  a colleague mentions the possibility of switching to special education (I'm certified in 6-12 English and 6-12 special education).  Huzzie's ear is talked off over the course of several weeks.  The powers that be are talked to regarding a potential switch.  Still no opening in the SPED department, so merely a possibility...

March-April2012 (here's where it gets exciting that it deserves a bulleted list instead of only one sentence!)
  • Spring break:  prayers that I will figure out what I dislike about my job.  Answer:  it's overstimulating ALL THE TIME and I apparently can't handle that.  It's exhausting standing in front of 30 people when only 5 are listening.  Love the planning, dislike the implementing.  Want to help the 5% who are not getting it, but must keep rolling through due to time constraints and class size.  Inability to relationally connect due to large class size.  
  • Monday after spring break:  prayers that a certain teacher will dislike the idea of coming back from spring break so much that she decides to retire
  • Thursday after spring break:  colleague (and friend) stops by my room to let me know that said teacher was so bummed to have to come back after spring break that she decided to retire (!!!!!)
  • Friday after spring break:  e-mail from SPED principal announcing the opening
  • Friday after spring break:  e-mail TO human resources declaring interest in the position
  • Following Monday:  e-mail FROM human resources declaring that the job is mine (!!!!!!!!!)
  • Next Tuesday:  paperwork signed, job officially mine, English department told, welcomed into SPED department
So that's my news.

I will be co-teaching 3 hours of sophomore English  with one of my favorite persons, 1 hour of reading, and 1 hour of interrelated English. To say I'm elated is an understatement.  I'm humbled by God's grace in this entire situation, and I'm convinced that next year will be better than this yer.

Long story, I know, but some of you asked. :)

There are more examples of how God is ridiculously awesome at orchestrating all the miniscule details in our lives, but this has gone on long enough.

Yay for a new chapter.  Yay for a change.  Yay for a new classroom.  Yay for teaching with a friend.  Yay for a smart board in my new room.  YAY for smaller class sizes.  Yay for administrative paperwork (you think I'm kidding...but I'm not...I love this kind of thing).  And yay for less grading.

Happiness all around.

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you, Heidi. You will be an excellent SPED teacher.
