May 7, 2012


Years ago, we began a tradition of having Monday night dinner with any family that is relatively close (started with Daniel's mom, my brother, my now sister-in-law, Daniel, and I since I had a Monday night class in McPherson).

We now have dinner every Monday night (yes, every Monday night) with Daniel's sister's family.  (What's impressive is that we have only missed eating together twice in the past 20 months.  Monday night dinner is NOT something to be messed with.  It's on all our calendars indefinitely.  So you say you just had twins 4 days ago?  No biggie.  We'll be over on Monday.  What, we just spent 5 days together due to holidays?  Doesn't matter, we'll reconvene on Monday.)

It's just one of those traditions.

And we love it.

Tonight, however, we're shaking things up a bit.  It's just going to be Daniel, Cohen (eldest child of Daniel's sister), and I.

Looking forward to lots of Dan-Cohen cuddle time.  Which often looks like this:
 It's super adorbs.
So we'll miss you, B & T and company, but we're anxious to have time with just the big little guy. 

Happy Monday night!

Update:  Daniel and I did some light yard work this evening, so I was all grody.  I took a quick shower and when I came downstairs, little C and I had the following conversation:
C: Di, how was your shower?
H: It was nice, thank you.
C:  Did you stand up?
H: Yes, I did.

Love that kid.

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