February 1, 2011

aleatoire: it's French...

My bestie is home from Africa, and I am so happy.  She came to our little apartment on Sunday and I made chili (the recipe said it would be enough for 5, but it was definitely only enough for 2 1/2).  We spent the next 6 hours talking.  Literally.  And I still don't feel like we're caught up.  When she left, Daniel said, "I'm going to have to get used to how much you tell her."  Yes, we're quite honest with one another, but isn't that what a bestie is for? (I say "bestie" because I'm trying to be cool...like my 15 year old friends I spend all day, every day with...)  Beezie, welcome home.  We're so glad you're back.  We know our "B" room isn't ready yet, but rest assured, the minute you need it, it will be.

Our nephew is perhaps the most wonderful, intelligent, hilarious, and beautiful (I probably can only call him beautiful for a little while longer, so I must use it while I can) 2 year-old on the face of this earth.  Last night he:  tried a cherry tomato and liked it all the while climbing (not sitting) on my lap, sang his ABC's (l-m-n-o-p sounds like "I gotta go pee..."  Admit it.  That string of letters was difficult for you, too.), and climbed into a small hutch to "hide" from us (he also figured out how to break out of it himself, which of course lead to more hilarity). 

I've always enjoyed kiddos when they reach age 12 or so, but below that has never been my favorite, but that little guy (along with the other three nephews) is quickly becoming one of my favorite people ever.  There is something so refreshing about watching a toddler discover things for the first time.  Snow.  New tastes.  Independence (this is perhaps one of the most remarkable things I have ever witnessed.  Have you ever had a front-row seat to a child's "terrible-twos" stage?  This sweet little guy has incredible parents, and to watch some of the process was amazing.  It both terrifies me about being a parent and makes me excited for the challenge.  Tammy, please write down everything you do.)  I don't think I will ever tire of hearing the little guy call my name when I see him for the first time. 

The snowpocalypse is occurring right outside my window.  I'm so thankful for the warmth of the indoors, a snow day (#4!) and the fact that my lesson plans are done for tomorrow.  Whether you like cold weather or not, enjoy the day!  Make the most of it.  As for me, I'll just be here...cooking, doing laundry, getting caught up on life, loving my life, and watching "Keeping up with the Kardashians." 

PS:  "aleatoire" means "random."  Of course.

1 comment:

  1. :) Love your entries.
    Thanks for sharing about your cute little nephew. Since I have been an Auntie to Elaina & now to the new one (Isabelle Ruby), I am amazed at the "terrible two" stage as well.

    You are right - they discover the world for the first time, and it's a beautiful thing to witness.

    Hope you enJoy all the time inside in the midst of the Kansas snow storm. :) Thankfully, this last one from Chicago missed us up here in DC. Take care, Heidi. I'm SO glad you have a blog to share your interesting life with all of us readers...
