February 1, 2012


About a month ago I signed up to bring treats to Bible study tonight.  Naturally, this week has gone nothing like I expected.

So I pulled a domestic fail.

This is what I brought.
 And you know what?  Life went on.  No one said anything.  The laydays ate the goods.  I laughed with one about my fail.  All was okay.

Can you say, "Reality check?"  Life goes on...even when you bring store-bought cookies to an all-women's group and don't put them in a pretty bowl.


  1. Good reminder, Heidi, that we don't always have to be super woman - having jobs, husbands, lives, and still bake and cook everything to perfection. Though I love cooking and baking, sometimes there are just more important things. :)

  2. So.... Dr. Long has been my super-hero lately. God loves me and serves me through her. Love. Her. And on one trip, I knew it was time to take her office some treats. I had it in my mind that it WOULD happen. It did not. So I went in to Amanda's and asked if anything was coming out of the oven. A pan of gooey bars...perfect. But she wouldn't send the pan. BAck home. My own pan.... and the gooey was transferred. Paid her... well.... a LOT. (Enough to buy several pans, let's say!) But the gooey appreciation was delivered....Amanda was blessed, if not entertained.... and my kitchen was still clean. (ha! that's funny.) Sometimes Milanos and store-bought-homemade does the trick!!!
