September 15, 2011

Oh sheesh.

Days like these make me wonder, "Why can't I work at Burger King?"  JK.  Kinda.

Not a bad day.  Just a full day.

Sophies (sophomores, if you're new) started writing today.  Writing projects = exhausting days.  I think (and hope) the kiddos learn, but, oh mah word, they have a zillion questions.  Today I instated a new rule:  before you ask Mrs. Carlson, you must ask your neighbor.  I think it worked.  At least a little.  I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to answer as many questions as I could while trying to explain as clearly as I could.  Oh goodness.  I also wore a dress.  Bad decision.  Bending over in a dress = awkward.  Squatting down in a dress = awkward stand-up process.  Wearing a dress on a writing day = poor decision.  Oh sheesh.

I have one incredibly high-functioning class of freshies (freshmen, again, if you're new), and one incredibly low-functioning class of freshies.  The high class always blows me out of the water and the low class leaves me dumb-founded as to how to teach them better/differently.  Oh sheesh.

I had my first crier of the year.  I tend to have lots of tear-filled students...hopefully that is unrelated to the fact that I am their teacher.   Hopefully.  Today's situation was unique.  And good.  Not good because aforementioned student was crying.  Good because it caused me to pause.  I had a million things going through my head, but talking with that student was not one of them.  It made me slow down (VERY difficult for me), be patient, and listen.  I asked student if he wanted to talk to me or a counselor, and he said he wanted to talk to me.  So I suppose I'm doing something right.  Oh sheesh.

I took my sophies' tests home yesterday...and totally forgot to grade them.  I suppose I know what will entertain me tonight.  Oh sheesh.

Last week I had a sweet student say, "I don't ever say this because I think it's dumb, but TGIF."  Touche, sweet student, touche.

TGI(almost)F.  Oh sheesh.........

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