June 25, 2014

Pregnancy Journal #5

Disclaimer:  I never thought I'd do another pregnancy journal with this pregnancy because I NEVER CONSIDERED BEING OVERDUE.  Shame on me.  Here I sit, 3 days overdue with no end in sight.  I'll admit, I'm being a bit melodramatic (figures, right?), but I truly never imagined that I would be going on an anniversary date with a basketball-sized belly.  When will I ever learn?  Ha, hot mess.  All the time. 

Here are some of the recent capers of baby C, #daddyDan, and giant mother:

Stranger Observations:  We ate at Chipotle Saturday night to celebrate one last evening without a tiny friend (hahahahahahahahaha, "one last night," hahahahahahahaha).  I went through the line and ordered my fave (flour tacos, chicken, a little white rice, corn salsa, pico, cheese, sour cream, guac on the side - now you know).  When I moved from where the high counter meets the low counter, one of the workers saw me and literally gasped, "Ahhhh!  I did NOT see that coming!"  As in, "Whoa, giant belly, did not expect that!!"  I about died.  Yet another reason baby C must exit the premises immediately.  It's striking fear into the hearts of strangers!

Exercise:  Weeeeelllllll, I try to do something active each day.  Sometimes that means running errands and attempting not to grunt too loudly when I enter and exit the car.  Other times that means convincing daddyDan to take me walking (last night our venue of choice was Lowe's).  Other times that means swimming at our local fitness club.  But let's be honest, I don't swim.  I stand.  Occasionally I bounce.  And sometimes I even walk laps.  Oh to be a fly on the wall in the office:  "There's that pregnant lady again.  I guess when a few days pass and we haven't seen her, we'll know she's not a giant anymore."  During one of my latest swimming sessions, I was pausing at one end of the lap lane before taking off on my sprint once more and one of the lifeguards came over to me and asked me to move from the lap lane if I wasn't going to use it.  I have no words.  But so many, MANY emotions including, but not limited to, anger, rage, and any emotion that a sailor with an excessive potty-mouth would experience.  Not pretty.

Contractions:  I swear I was in labor Friday night.  And then again Saturday night.  And then again Sunday night.  And then I gave up.

Friends:  We feel so engulfed by love.  Every day for the past week I've heard from someone out of the blue "just checking on me."  And it's so sweet.  My girlfriends have seriously rallied behind me, from taking me on walks to bringing me Sonic happy hour drinks (diet watermelon limeade, easy ice...now you know...I also wouldn't say no to mozzarella sticks) to sending me boxes of "get to the finish line" supplies to last-minute dinner invites to pool party invitations to quick phone-call check-ins to daily "here's what I'm doing today, feel free to join any of the aforementioned activities" to so many other loving things.  You gals are the best.  Seriously.  I believe I have all 5 love languages as my top love language (Danz thinks this makes me high-maintenance...I think it makes me easy to please, anywho), but my number one is definitely "words of affirmation," and let me tell you, I am feeling might affirmed.  So a huge heartfelt thanks to all of you who have reached out.  Your words have meant the world and have legitimately kept me from going insane. 

Grateful:  You all know I'm sarcastic and snarky and full of ridiculous things.  But I really am so thankful for this journey of carrying a wee one.  I'm thankful my body has proven to be a decent home for a tiny human to grow and flourish.  And the fact that I can absolutely not wait until babe arrives is truly a testament to God's grace and provision and timing.  You see, up until about a month ago, I was so full of fear that I couldn't even think about my due date or what would happen once babe actually arrived.  You may or may not know that I'm a teacher.  And I am a processor and love to spend lots of time reflecting on life (I'm a bit of an extroverted introvert).   Historically, summer has meant house projects, visiting people I love, and resting.  This summer, so far, I've completed zero house projects (with exception to finishing the nursery, of course) and I have spent minimal time traveling to visit people (because, as I mentioned in a previous post, car rides are of the devil....oh, and because baby was supposed to come early).  But oh have I rested.  And processed.  And reflected.  And what a gift it has been.  I can't count the numbers of hours I've spent sitting on our porch swing or in our nursery just thinking.  I know, I know, "enjoy it now because it will never be the same."  I get it.  And I'm ready.  I'm ready for a new normal and a new routine.  I'm ready for sleepless nights.  I'm ready to watch daddyDan be daddyDan.  I'm ready for endless loads of laundry and for losing tiny socks in the wash.  I'm ready for a messy house due to a human the size of my thigh.  I'm ready for spontaneity to be a bit more challenging.  I'm ready for playdates with other tiny humans and their mommas.  And I'm ready for my heart to explode with love for someone I've never met.  It's time, baby C.  We're ready for you.  


  1. and your final statement to baby c...So come a NOW!!! :). glad to hear your update! thanks for sharing. happy all is well though not necessarily on your schedule. ;)
    take care heidi!
