June 11, 2014

Nursery Tour!

AKA:  "The One Where Heidi Gets All Sappy"

I've been waiting until the nursery is officially "done" to show you any pictures, but it technically won't be done until we know if we'll hang a "Q" or an "X" above the crib*.  Soooooooo, here are some pictures of progress!

Enjoy my lackluster photography skillz.

One my favorite parts of the nursery is the sweet yellow built-ins.  My parents and I SLAVED over these suckers last 4th of July and I couldn't be more pleased with the results.  So bright and chipper.  And the shelves house many special treasures. 

Here's to hoping that sleep will actually occur.

 Worry not, worriers, all blankets and animals will be removed prior to the placing of baby here.
 So happy.  We purchased black-out blinds since this room is on the southeast side of our house.  So far we've been pleased with both how cool the room stays and how dark it stays when the shades are pulled.  They're certainly not the most glamorous-looking window treatments, but they serve a very important purpose, so we're okay with the lack of aesthetic value.
 A happy rocking corner.  First of all, how adorable is the whale sound machine?  I die a little every time I look at it.  Claim to fame:  one of my colleague's sons is a designer for Homemedics and he designed it!  So that makes me kind of a big deal.
 And how about a close-up of this chair!?  This chair's former home was the basement of my mother-in-law's house.  It belonged to Danz' grandma and we snagged it over Christmas.  THEN I had a friend of mine recover it with this gorgeous fabric from Shlobby Bobby.  (Andrea, if you're reading this, please know that I am forever grateful to you for your work on this chair.  It. Is. Perfect.)  The chair is a swivel/glider/recliner and we already have spent some quality time breaking it in.  In fact, I'm sitting in it as I write and daddyDan uses it in the morning before work. 
 The lamp was a sore subject for a few weeks as I purchased several that did not pass daddyDan's lamp test.  After many heated conversations, we landed on this one, and I'm decently satisfied. 
 Sentimental moment:  My grandma Vogt (mom's mom) knitted both these blankets.  The yellow one was my baby gift 27 years ago and the green one is baby C's.  The yellow one smells like my parent's house and the green one smells like my grandma - both smells are so comforting and remind me of home.  While grandma has 8 grandchildren, she only has 4 great-grandchildren (5 including baby C), but she has a stash of great-grandbaby blankets because she knows that once they start coming, they'll come in droves. :)  I think this blanket has been done and ready for a baby since my wedding!  Can't wait to wrap our little stinker in it. 
 Most parents buy their babies sweet puppies or adorable bears or cuddly bunnies.  Not these parents!  DaddyDan says we're "fun people" so we need to buy our babe a fun animal.  I kid you not:  he narrowed it down to a bald eagle, a donkey, and a buffalo.  I was disturbed by the bald eagle, the donkey had long fibers and a tag cautioning from using it with an infant.......so the buffalo won.  It'll give us a chance to teach babe about Kansas, so I can get behind that.
 Danz does not love this picture, but it is one of my most treasured possessions.  The year we moved to Abilene (holla 1994!), my mom gave this to me for my birthday.  I love the idea of the kids being guided and watched as they walk over treacherous water.  You better believe this sucker is staying in the nursery. 
 Another angle of the cheerful shelves.  If you gave me a book at any time in the past 9 months, you better believe it's on a shelf!
Babe's friends.  They will be instant besties. Especially the snuggly buffalo.

So that's that!  If I'm really on my A-game (let's be honest, I never am), I'll post pics once some art is gracing the walls.

*I got you so good.  Baby's name beginning with a "Q" or a "X"?  Hahahahaha, no.  Or maybe yes.  Hmm, only time will tell!!

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