July 28, 2013


Begin by hopping to the youtubes to hit play on this song.

Tomorrow is a big day in the life of my bestie B.  Tomorrow is the day that she follows the call on her life to love people in the nation of Uganda.  You see, nearly a decade and a half ago, she began to feel a burden for the people of Uganda.  And over time, the burden has only intensified.  So tomorrow she will put aside all the creature comforts of America in order to follow Jesus.  And I couldn't be more proud.

This is, most likely, the first picture we took together.  B's dad took it on his Polaroid camera when we were, I believe, in 4th grade....so at least 16 years ago.  There continues to be an awkward amount of difference in our height as well as a huge difference in our athletic prowesses (of course she is more of an athlete than me).

But after 19 years of friendship, countless sleepovers, and at least 500 games of Spit (our made-up card game), we're still besties.
Golly gee, Beezie, I'm going to miss you like like crazy.  But I'm unbelievably proud of the decision you've made and the path you're following.  I've shed quite a few tears this weekend and I'm sure more will follow in the next several days, but the overwhelming peace that this is exactly what you need to be doing completely surpasses the sadness.  So go, sweet friend.  Do your thang.  Love Jesus.  Love the people.  And avoid snakes.  I can't handle another snake story.  In two years, I promise to greet you with coffee and sushi.

Sending you more love, prayers, and thoughts of chips and salsa than you could possibly know.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for both you beauties....and so thankful for all you do for those around you. My little family is better because of you. Excited for your journey, Bethany!
