November 28, 2011

a challenge (of sorts...)

I love my family.  Scratch that.  I love my TWO families - my immediate family and hubs' immediate family.  Last weekend, one of my SIL's (sister-in-law - for those new to the infamous abbreviations that regularly pop up on this ol' blog) told me about a friend of hers who gave up clothes shopping for 6 months.  That idea intrigued me a whole heck uva lot.

So I talked to hubs.  Because that's what I do when I'm intrigued.  He is my sounding board.  Sweet guy.

Then I thought more about it.  And thought and thought for 3 days.  I went back and forth.  I reasoned with myself as to why it would be a bad idea and why I thought I didn't really need to do it.  Then I realized that attempting to talk myself out of it is probably reason enough as to why I need to do it.

So I talked some more to hubs.  And thought some more.

And decided to give it a shot.

So from December 1 to June 1, I will not buy any clothes.  (I already tried to rationalize that I might need that cheap hoodie from Old Navy, those yoga pants from Victoria's Secret, that scarf from Target, those shoes from Gap, or those too-cute socks from Dillard's.  Lame.  I can do without.)

Bottom line:  I have enough.  I have more than enough.

I know that decisions like these are best made in secret, but I figured that if the idea intrigued me as much as it did/does, perhaps you would be intrigued as well.

Do you have more than enough _________ (fill in the blank...for me it's clothes)?  Would you think about joining me? 

Just throwing it out there...

Imagine what could be done with the money you would otherwise spend on clothes.  Dream big, people.

Any takers?  Holler back!!

PS - much gratitude to SIL Tammy for the suggestion.

1 comment:

  1. I have an Andy Stanley podcast that talks about greed. About how as Am. christians we always see "rich" as a moving target. The people making 30k think they'd be rich if they made 75k. Those people would feel rich if they made 150k, etc. He notices that because none of us think WE are the ones in the "rich" category, we miss so much counsel the bible has to offer about being rich. His 1st piece of advice is to start admitting that we're rich. 2nd, we've got to start parting with our stuff. We all SAY we could part with it - but it's not easy where rubber meets the road. So, good for you, GREAT for you to choose something to part with! You're so rich!!

    Oh - I remember the other part: we don't plan for our giving. We plan our retirements, our vacation budget, our monthly bills.... but when asked for a donation of some kind, we look in our checkbooks and because it's not readily available, we think we don't have it. We don't plan for our giving. Again, great for you - for planning for your giving. (Or maybe you're going to use the money you save on pedicures. No judgement here.)

    I guess if you're not plannign on buying clothes for 6 months, it means you're not pregnant! I'll still be looking for the announcement.... : )
