October 21, 2011


Sometimes life gets in the way of posting hilarious scenarios.  Case in point - the last 3 weeks.  To make up for lack of posts, here are a few funnies from the past several weeks...
  • Freshman student drops a book as he enters the class.  He responds, "Oh, I'm so sorry to the entire world of literature!"  
  • Whilst trying to be entirely serious to my freshmen about the need to stay focused in the computer lab, I said, "You need to prove to me that you can sit wherever you want.  I do NOT want to move me.  Uh, I mean, I do NOT want to move YOU."  Fail.
  • On October 12, the students were recording the date on a piece of paper.  One student asked about the date, and I responded, "It's 10.12.11.  How cool!  Yesterday was 10.11.12!!  Did anyone notice that!?"  Blank stares.  Awkward silence.  Immediate realization.  Embarrassed follow-up:  "Dangit, it's not 2012."
  • My freshmen always provide me with hilarious moments.  I may or may not have scared them into submission last week by threatening to make them write an essay every other day if they don't stay focused.  I said, "We don't have to keep doing what we're doing.  It doesn't bother me either way.  It would NOT make me sad to assign you an essay 3 times a week."  Sweet, well-meaning, occasionally class-clown responds, "Mrs. Carlson, you know it would make you sad to assign that."  I may or may not have cut him off mid-sentence.  Perhaps because I knew if I let him keep talking, I would lose my focus and begin giggling uncontrollably.
  • Last week, a student was texting in class.  I told him to put his phone away.  Normally such a request works like a charm.  Unfortunately, this time I was given the "finger".  I know what you're thinking.  Not that finger.  He gave the index finger...as if to say, "Wait a second.  I'm not done yet."  My response was a fierce march in his general direction to retrieve his phone for the duration of the day.  
  • A few weeks ago, the fire alarm started ringing about 20 minutes into class.  Instead of chaotically heading out the door, my sweet students lined up single-file until I noticed and told them to get moving.  Sweet kiddos.  So compliant. 
That's all I have, folks.  Thanks for being faithful.  I'll leave you with a symbolic picture.  I'd like to think this is how I look/feel when a student has a light-bulb moment.  Filled with elation.
Happy weekend, friends!

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