February 14, 2014

Marital Quirks

The longer I'm married (3 1/2 years, holla!), the more I realize how bizarre marriage makes you.  And I think it's absolutely fabulous.  Danz and I have developed about a billionty common quirks throughout our tenure together.  Now, it's important to note that I'm not telling you these just for kicks.  Instead, I'm telling you these so you can feel some solidarity in the fact that there are people in the world quirkier than you.  Without further adieu, here are two reasons why the Carlsons are quirktastic (not to be confused with twerktastic...as that would not be appropriate blog material...mom, don't look that up).
This was taken on our honeymoon segway tour of Savannah, Georgia.  Little did we know, months and years of marriage makes one totes cray.

Quirk 1:  I have a handful of shirts that have small, entirely useless, pockets on them.  Ladies, you've got to know what I'm talking about.  The pockets are merely a stylistic addendum that serve no practical purpose.  Even before Daniel and I were dating, whenever I would wear a shirt with a tiny pocket, he would try to put things in it...like pieces of gum or keys or chapstick. All of this put-pocketing has led us to creating a song that must be sung whenever a small-pocketed-shirt is worn.  And it goes like this:  "I put small things in my pockets.  I put small things in my pockets!"  Yes.  You'll notice the second sentence ends with an exclamation mark because, if I were singing it to you, the inflection of my voice would go up and my eyebrows would raise.  It's okay if you want to call us genius song-writers.  We'll gladly dust our shoulders off and write another song someday.

Quirk 2:   One of my nicknames for Daniel is "Flurff and turf and flurff and turf and surf, woo."  I'm not even kidding.  And here's how that lolific name came to be:  we used to call each other fluffy - maybe because we like fluffy pillows or because we would fight over the same fluffy blanket??  Who knows.  Naturally, I couldn't continue calling him such a simple name.  Simplicity is for the birds.  Must. Make. Life. Complicated.  So one of us added an "r" which made the nickname "Flurffy."  And then in a further attempt to rhyme the nickname with every possible word under the sun, I added several more nouns ("surf" and "turf" on an average day, "smurff" when I'm feeling really spunky).  The "woo" at the end just adds the pizazz that sends the nickname over the top. 

So happy Valentine's day to you all.  May your day be filled with quirktastic things that remind you how unbelievably hilarious this life really is.  

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